The U.S. Marshal Handbook & SOP
Welcome to the U.S. Marshals Service.
The U.S. Marshals Service was originally established in 1789 under George Washington, to carry out all court-ordered warrants issued to him under the United States. The U.S. Marshals are now enforcing federal laws on day-to-day crimes in the States, carrying out warrants, and helping federal courts and the judiciary branch in any way they are authorized. This handbook will explain your command structure, the guidelines, and the standard operating procedures you are expected to maintain and follow professionally as a Deputy US Marshal.
Read carefully and thoroughly.
Command Structure: Territorial Marshal
Territory Marshal: Kilgor
Deputy Territory Marshal:
Command Structure: State
Lemoyne State Marshal:
New Hanover State Marshal:
Ambarino State Marshal:
New Austin State Marshal:
West Elizabeth State Marshal:
US Marshal Handbook
This is the handbook for the U.S. Marshals of Colts Crossing’s RedM server, as deputy marshals you are expected to read, retain, and enforce this handbook through your duties and service. Please read carefully and thoroughly to help better serve our community and its purpose.
Responsibilities & Expectations as Deputy Marshals
Maintain a professional demeanor while on duty.
Carry out and uphold all orders from the federal courts and supervisor Marshals on duty.
Protect the federal courts, judiciaries, and governmental employees.
Familiarize the laws and ordinances of the county and states!
Enforce all laws passed federally and by the states of your jurisdiction.
If applicable; track down and apprehend fugitives wanted by the courts.
Always stay on post, never to abandon your duties.
To be extremely watchful and perceptive while performing tasks
Never take a post while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Always stay properly dressed and clean while on duty.
Do not brandish and fire your firearm unless needed.
Do not commit immoral acts of apprehension of fugitives.
What is offered to deputies of the Marshal Service
Starting Salary of $50 for field deputies, room to grow, and pay raises to $125 with promotions.
Government-issued Turkoman horse, tack included, training available.
Government-issued Henry repeater, and allowance to cover one revolver.
One-time suit allowance up to $25.
Experience and guidance in leadership qualities, teamwork, and working on one’s self.
Knowledge of law enforcement duties, government proceedings, and courthouse work.
Marshal Clothing Guidelines
As a deputy, you represent our agency in the public eye through your work for the community and even the clothing you wear. You are expected to use the following items, even as a guideline, to fit yourself for Marshal duties professionally.
The following drawings are a guideline of acceptable outfits to wear on duty.
Keep suits clean and utilize black, gray, or brown.
Always look professional and carry yourself with pride.
The guided list is as follows:
Coat: 14/5
Vest: 5/30
Shirt: 5
Pants: 14
Boots: 10
Hat: 11
Neck Ties: ANY (No Masks/Bandanas)
Territorial Marshal: Kilgor Walker
US Marshals Commands & Archives Guide
Welcome to the U.S. Marshals!
The following commands are made to help you with your everyday duties.
Be sure to input a forward slash (/) before each command in chat!
Going on Duty:
For deputies to go on duty, they need to input /goonduty in chat.
They will see the following message in the bottom right of their screen.
You will then need to go to your jurisdiction office and sign on to post there, you will see this message pop up:
This will enable you to receive reports and patrol your jurisdiction.
Going off Duty:
For deputies to go off duty, they need to input /gooffduty in chat.
The following message will appear in the bottom right of their screen.
Menu and Archive commands
Deputies will utilize the Law Menu for a good majority of their work, along with the
archives menu.
Be sure to read this guide to fully utilize the menu correctly.
The Law Menu:
Deputies need to properly identify themselves with a fancy and flashy badge, and they also need to utilize other commands
using the Law menu, to open the handy menu, deputies will need to input /menu in chat
the following menu will appear:
Putting on the badge:
To put that shiny badge on your chest, deputies will need to hit the Toggle Badge selection.
The following message will appear:
How to adjust the badge to fit:
The badge might not fit perfectly as soon as it is put on, so deputies will need to adjust it.
Deputies will need to input /adjustbadge in chat and this menu will appear:
Deputies can use this menu to adjust the badge properly for a professional look.
Using /enroute:
Deputies will see the following message appear on their screen when someone uses /alertpolice for emergencies.
Check your map for a red map marker and then use /enroute.
/calert will clear the notification and map marker.
Using the Public Profiling Archives
Deputies have access to a record archive book to use to identify and create dossiers for citizens.
Within the menu, deputies can create notes and charge/penalize citizens. All alterations of their dossiers appear on the lawman dossier files.
Using the Archives
Upon officially swearing in as a US Deputy Marshal, you are issued several tools, including the Archive book.
The archive book will appear in your inventory and you can hit enter to open it.
On the right side there are tabs with the following order from top to bottom:
Search-Create Identity-Close
On the left is the dossiers deputies have signed and altered.
Searching and Signing
To search citizens, hit the search tab and the page will open. You can either enter their name and hit start search or just hit start search at the bottom tab which will bring up every registered citizen's file.
Creating a dossier
After searching and finding the citizen you can click their name and bring up their identity page.
You can now see their information and their dossiers on their files at the bottom if there is any.
To create a dossier on the citizen
Deputies can hit SIGN DOSSIER tab at the bottom of the file.
Once finished with the file, hit SIGN DOSSIER again at the bottom and it will be created.
Finding Dossiers
Once a deputy creates a dossier, or is looking for a specific dossier, deputies can navigate to the left side of the archive folder and see the DOSSIER tab, once on it they can click it and bring up the list of dossiers.
Welcome to the US Marshals of Colts Crossing!